SecurityKiss Tunnel is a simple Windows VPN client based on OpenVPN. They have servers located in Germany, the United States of America, The United Kingdom, Switzerland and are looking to expand into other locations. Speeds are relatively fast depending on your location to the nearest server.

Apr 07, 2014 Changer son adresse IP avec SecurityKISS Tunnel VPN [TUTO Jun 04, 2014 SecurityKISS Tunnel VPN - Apps on Google Play

Download SecurityKISS Tunnel 0.3.0 - Bảo mật thông tin khi

After trial run for few day,the connection speed are quite fast,support SSL connection (HTTPS),streaming youtube video etc. Moreover,there are no advertisement pop up during using SecurityKISS Tunnel for internet connection. If you satisfied with their service,you can subscript SecurityKISS pay plan enjoy more option.

Mar 03, 2015 · SecurityKISS Tunnel is a VPN (Virtual Private Network) anonymous browsing service – it protects privacy, ensures anonymity and bypasses geographic restrictions on the internet. Like other anonymous browsing providers, it is of most use to two types of people:

Web Tunnel - Free downloads and reviews - CNET web tunnel free download - SaferWeb, SaferWeb, SecurityKISS Tunnel, and many more programs SecurityKiss Review | Best Free VPN Jun 27, 2012 SecurityKISS Tunnel - ihned zdarma ke stažení - SecurityKISS Tunnel je jednoduchý VPN klient založený na OpenVPN. Servery výrobce tohoto programu jsou umístěné v Německu, USA, Velké Británii, Švýcarsku, Kanadě, Polsku a chtějí expandovat do dalších lokalit. Dosažitelné rychlosti jsou poměrně dobré, samozřejmě v …